Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Labor of Love

My yard work at the church is almost to an end, at least for now.  I have two old tires to gather up, clean and take to Thomas Tire for recyling and the remnants of an old outhouse to gather up and dispose of.  of course rhere is a hole that needs to be filled in and a small section that the overgrowth needs to be cleared from but until some trees are cut I'm not going to mess with that area.  At this point in time it is rather useless to do so.

Either someone will have to donate labor with a chain saw to cut the trees and small stumps away as well as a few fallen trees or I will have to wait until next year and purchase a chain saw with my pumpkin money, which I really hoped to use to purchase a rider for my old age.

if I clear that piece pf property then the area cleared will be just too much for me to mow with a walk-behind mower.  I just don't want the saplings and the vines too get out of hand in the area until I'm ready for it too be cleared but it would be nice to go ahead and get the trees cut, especially sono more fallen limbs and leaves will make the job harder next year. 

Of course there is already numerous hardwood tress that have been fellen at the back of the property that someone desiring firewood is welcomed to come and cut.  I'm not cutting carrying, or hauling any wood for anyone. 

I'm going to take some pictures tomorrow and post  since it will be one day it should be clear and bright enough to get some shots.  I'll post them tomorrow or Thursday. 

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