Saturday, March 17, 2012

Politics or skin color?

Obama could not have been elected President of the United States by only African-Americans.  For this upcoming election, it seems that those opposed to his reelection are being accused of being racist.  Some are.  Both racism works both ways.  Some people voted for Obama in 2008 based on his skin color and some are supporting Obama for 2012 for the very same reason.  Some are opposed to Obama based on his skin color as well. 

The trouble with medicare is that one is forced into the system not because of age but because it exists.  One cannot get private insurance once one reaches 65 unless it is through an employer in a group plan or one pays an exoribtant amount for what few policies do exist.  For reasons such as I stated with medicare, many people are against Obama's policies.  What to some people is preceived to be a threat to the American way of life is looked at by others as the solution to our problems. 

On one hand it does seem cruel and unamerican to have citizens living that are unprotected by some form of insurance but it is also unamerican to ditate to people what choices they have to make in life.  The more one does for another, the less that person does for himself. 

Some of Obamas policies seem to offer solutions for current problems yet seem also to foster dependence on the government futher down the line. 

So it is quite possible that some people are opposed to Obama based on his policies alone.  If Obamas
plans are to orchestrate  the subtle overthrow of our current economic system as some claim, he is clever in pullin off his con of the American people and really needs to be defeated.  If his policies are haphazard with no scheme behind them, just knee-jerk reactions to current issues, he needs to be defeated because he is an incompetent idiot. 

After all is said and done though, it all boils down to whether you like the guy or not.  Obama is a likeable fellow and dispite what else he does, he will be difficult to defeat, harder still if he were white.
The reason I say that is this:  he is a Democrat and has the majority of black vote anyway and the small percentage of whites opposed to Obama because he has a dark skin tone would not be so disposed to vote against him, making him a stronger candidate. 

So is it possible for Obama to lose this election because he is black? It is indeed possible that a few voters could defeat Obama because of their prejudicial attitudes.  Will that be the reason Obama is defeated?  I hope that is not the reason we change the party of the President in the 2012 election. 

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