Tuesday, April 24, 2012

John Edwards has supporters

I had lunch yesterday wutha John Edwards supporter.  I was unaware there were such people left in the world but there are.  They were upset that John Edwares was being put on trial and they claimed anyone who didn't support giving free food and health care to any poor child was an idiot and din't have the right to live.

There wasn't much point in taking the opposite side as she showed herself unwilling to consider another point of view.  I'm a Republican and no, I don't want any child to go hungry or get sick and not find themselves able   to receive health care. I never made a great deal of money and now that I am retired I make even less.  I have always supported charities, including but not limited too the United Way, the American Red Cross, the March of Dimes, and my church. 

All those charities are optopnal for me to support or not support.  In fact, if I am the las to die in my family, I intend to give my home for use to the families of long-term cancer patients, sort of like the Ronald McDonald house or have it sold and the proceeds given to the American Cancer society or another deserving charity.   

However, if you threaten to put me in jail or to take my life if I don't give itto your poor child I'll fight you tooth and nail.  You have no right to my money.  Yes I know it is my civic duty to pay taxes so the government can furnish services for the common good of all men.  That is fine.  I received a free education and I don't mind paying taxes so someone else's child may attend school.  However, if you can't afford to take your child to the doctor and to feed your own child, then you should not have had that child.  Your child is not my kid to raise and I resent you thinking you have the right to force me to support your child. 

Now if you make it known that you have fallen on hard times or just to lazy or strung out to care for your child I may decide to help support that child from the goodness of my heart.  But times are tough for me too and just because I have a job and a house and a car does not mean that I am able to support anyone besides my family. 

Besides, I believe if you are going to be a taker you should be a giver also.  I willing put my life on the line for my country and I fel I earned the small disability check I receive.  I paid into the Social Security System my entire working life soI feel entitled to drawn from its assests.  Yes, I had children and I paif their medical bills and put food on the table for them.  I never asked for, expected, nor received help from anyone in raising and supporting my child.  My Mom purchased some clothes for him occasionally and yes, he was so cute that strangers would offer him money because of it but I never asked nor expecvted such things to happen. 

No, I am not an idiot for not wanting to be forced to support your child.  Life is tough enough for me trying to take care of my own.  I take my mother-in-law to the doctor every week and once a moth I take my Mom grocery shopping and alwo help repair  her home and take care of her home and for the most part all at my own expense.  I do those things because I want too. 

I do have the right to live.  I have made better choices than those who cannot afford to take care of their families.  I have worked for 53 years, paid my taxes and given of what I had to those that I thought were deserving and gave that willingly. But don't tell me I am an idiot and don't serve to live just because you cannot take care of your own and want to force me too. 

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