Monday, April 16, 2012

Stop wasting money on car insurance

Stop wasting money on car insurance  reads the headlines of a Yahoo article.  I didn't read it but from watching commercials I bet I can do the article one better. 

Firts, buy an Allstate Insurance policy.  Then go to Geico, get a policy there, and save $446.00,  Then go to State Farm  (call Jessica) and save another $400.00.  After that go to Century and save another $400.00.  And if that isn't enough savings, go to Allstate and save $300.00 there.  That $1546.00 a year in savings on a policy that costs $600.00 to $900.00 a year.  Buy enough policies and you could actually retire and not have to work untilyou die like Yahoo suggests in another article. 

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