Monday, April 14, 2014

Duke does another disaster

       Well, Duke didn't actually show up to do they were contracted to do for the church.  They hired an outside crew which obviously were not experienced in what they were to do.  It took one workman over an hour to climb a telephone pole and then he couldn't do the job he went up to do so he had to call another truck in to do his job.  On the way down he punched a hole in the pipe that was just installed to run the electrical line through. 
     The job was simple enough:  disconnect the power line from the church and from the second pole and bury the line from the first pole to the meter box that will attach to the new building once constructed, the remove the second pole.  The job did eventually get done but the yard was left in a mess.  I will post pictures tomorrow.  A man cam last week and dug up two tree stumps with a backhoe and didn't create near the mess that Duke crew did to remove one small pole.  There is no excuse for such incompetence in my opinion.  Duke should be ashamed of itself.    

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