Monday, December 08, 2014

Church and Beer

      I  suppose most Americans drink beer.  I don't really know because I never asked them but if not beer, then some form of alcohol is consumed by most people.  I never saw the need to drink,  I have to admit in my younger days I tried in a few times because I thought it was the cool thing to do but for the most part in either made me sick or made me do really dumb things.  For me if I have to drink to have a good time I'd rather be a party pooper.  I see no need to alter reality.  It doesn't taste all that good,   it doesn't cause me to relax or unwind, I don't think it's cool and it can be dangerous.  Thanks but no thanks but I'd rather deal with this cruel and unpredictable world with all my faculties in their best working order. 
    There are some churches that not only tolerate the drinking of alcohol but actively participate by keeping a stockpile on hand for special events.  On the news this morning some church through a singing and beer party so they can take the church to the people.  I found it upsetting that a church would do this.  They may be a social organization but they are no church.  I doubt Jesus would find
a beer guzzling religious crowd suitable to consider as his bride.  Seriously, I doubt if most people would want to marry a drunk so I'm sure the Christ has higher standards than most people. 

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