Tuesday, August 04, 2015


Rowdy Ronda Rousey is a highly rated fighter. I never watch the stuff but was fascinated by her winning times: 14 sec, 26 sec, 34 seconds. Unbelievable times. I thought maybe she was a kick boxer, a "sport" I don't like. When I was growing up I was the little kid and a target of bullies. I discovered early on that if I threw the first punch I won more often. If the first punch didn't win the fight I just took my opponent off his feet. That made us the same size. What I'm saying is that if the person I'm fighting wants to kick me he better be prepared to kick up because he was definitely going down. Anyway, I just watched some of her fights for the first time. She is more of a wrestler than a boxer or brawler. I never did like wrestling either,

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