Friday, April 06, 2018

Observations from the news

  Even famous people have a hard time communicating in English.  I guess that should rather be especially famous people have a hard time communicating in English.  Who refers to their four year
by his first and last name four or five times in the same short paragraph?  It seems statements by sports stars and celebrities are full of grammatical errors and short, choppy incoherent thoughts.  Who would have thunk it?

  Our revival services are over at Academy Street Baptist and it remains to be seen if we are really revived or not.  We met our attendance goals and our spiritual goals.  Maybe we can still get our five converts if we are really more dedicated to service to our Lord and savior.

    It seems the news is full of violence this morning:  a pro fighter attacking a bus, a homeless man attacking a car with a four year old inside,  an explosive device in a Sam's club, a women shooter at "You Tube", a young man sentenced to 63 years in prison stemming from an incident of a robbery gone bad.  Maybe we should change our focus in reporting news.  Instead of saying "one killed in robbery" we should report 5 survived violent incident.  Anyway, the news is crazy and depressing this morning.

  Another interesting story is a lady is suing for the right to give "the finger" to the President of the United States.     I think it is a terrible idea.  Why do we act like spoiled brats when our candidate loses an election/  The members of the other party are not your enemy:  they just have a different idea of where we should be heading and how to get there.  We are not going to solve our problems by displaying a severed Presidents head or flipping the President the bird, or calling each other names.

  There are some hot button issues we are never going to compromise our views on but most of our differences can be settled by honest, open dialogue but we will never get to that point by calling each other names.

  A lesbian has sued her ex-wife for shared custody of their child.  First, the child isn't "theirs' because only one of them had been pregnant and the other one didn't have anything to do with the child's birth.  The father is a sperm donor.  I believe sperm donors should share in the cost of raising their children because they are the biological parent.

   On a more personal note, I had a craving for a bowl of ice cream and some pineapple.   I gave in to my cravings yesterday.  I'm paying for my indiscretion today by way of an extra high blood sugar reading.  

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