Sunday, May 06, 2018

Teacher of the year shares speech Trump wouldn't let her read to reporters

   I am a Republican but I also am a Christian.  As a Republican I do believe in having a strong business economy so people will have jobs, earn a good living, and provide for themselves.  I did believe we needed health care reform as we should be able to purchase descent health care no matter where we work but that's pretty much it for me.
   As a Christian I do have a lot of sympathy and empathy for others.  I agree that immigrants and refuges  have a right to the same benefits of being American as Americans do except for voting and office holding.  But I also think that if you are a citizen of another country, the country you are a citizen of is the one responsible for you.  If you break into my house, I'm not going to feed and clothe you and see that you have an education and a job.  I'm going to call the police and you will be arrested.
   It is expensive yet humane that this country  does jail people for long periods of time for being here illegally but does provide them transportation back to their home.  How would you feel if someone broke into your house and all the police did was give them a ride home?  The police won't give you a ride to work if your car broke down.  They won't give your kids a ride to school if they miss the bus and your spouse is driving the only car in the family.  What if we treated illegal immigrants exactly the same as their home countries would treat you if you decided to take up residence there without the legal right to do so?
   I understand why people want to live in America and I understand that they are human just like me and I also understand they are willing to do the jobs that most Americans are unwilling to do.  If allowing anyone who wants to live here just move here is the way Americans think it should be then let our laws reflect that.  In order for a society to function properly we must have laws to govern behavior and for that society to survive we must have citizen that obey those laws.  Just because you disagree with the law does not give you the right to violate that law. It does give you the right to attempt to change that law.

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