Friday, July 24, 2009

Master of Deception

When fishing in brown water, use brown colored bait. When fishing in green water, using green colored bait. The idea is not to stand out but to blend in, to disguise as much as possible the deception of free food for the fish.

I didn't like Obamas ideas when he was a candidate for his parties nomination, I didn't like his ideas when he was the Democratic choice, and I haven't cared at all for his ideas since taking office. After his "stupidly" comment, I'm beginning to dislike him personally. But still, I'll have to give him credit for being the best at what he does. He is the master of Deception.

He promised that under his administration pork barre ll legislation would be eliminated yet on one piece of legislation there were 55 add-ons for pet projects and the vast majority of them were requested by Barrack Obama himself. He said he would accept no new legislation that increased the national debt yet his own budget puts the USA into a $1.8 billion deficit in one year alone.

He proposed a August 1 deadline for passing his health care plan and yet on TV he claimed it wasn't his deadline but the deadline of the American people.

I'm sorry, I could go on and on but I'm getting nauseous.

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