Monday, October 05, 2009

Mailbox Madness

About a year or so ago on my blog, Marvins Observations, I reported a broken mailbox at my old address in the country. It was apparently taken out by farm machinery and I suppose the culprit wasn't aware of the accident. This scenario is somewhat different.

I live in town on a cul-de-sac and my neigbors across the street were partying last night when someone took out my mailbox, somewhere between 7:00 and 11:15 last night. They did leave some evidence behind; pieces of a tail light lens. I reported it to the police department this morning and they are well aware of my neighbors, and not in a good way.

had the offender reported the accident, I probably would have let it go as the mailbox post was easily repaired and the box itself wasn't damaged. But if I see a vehicle with a broken lens that matches the pieces I have, then they will be report4d to the police and will face what ever minor charges the courts would like to administer.

Wht are adults so irresponsible?

1 comment:

Dr Mary Johnson said...

We should form a support group.