Monday, October 19, 2009

This is so wrong

An article on MS NBC said experts didn't believe texting would affect one's ability to spell but something is sure affecting this girl's ability to communicate-and to thin clearly. Another young lady was concerned because her mother will no let her shave yet and she has been teased because of her arm hair. She asked if it is okay to trim it. Here is my young ladies response:

"i shave my arms just dont ask ur mums premittion do it anway i take it u have dark hair samee just keep the razors u used throw them away but like dump em in a bush sum wear and bye razors secretly get em in the house up ur top u can do anything with out ur mum knowing im on the pill nd she dnt know
3 minutes ago."

What we have is no capitalization, no punctuation, and very bad advice; and probably a young woman headed for a troubled life. The pill presents it's own problems and while it does help prevent pregnancy, it doesn't deter STD. Sneaking, fibbing to ones parents, and underage sex is not a lifestyle one should be proud of.

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