Saturday, November 21, 2009

Pick a side

Two bloggers, one a small town doctor who doesn't practice in the town in which she resides. and a big city blogger, who has a job and a wife who runs some kind of retail shop, and goes by a blogger name of the smell of the results of some bodily function usually done in private, have had a history of disagreement.

The small town doctor is a passionate person, strong-willed and determined, not afraid of controversy but not seeking it either, but willing to fight for what she believes is truth, justice, and what is morality and ethically correct. It seems that about eleven years ago she was allegedly done wrong by her employers and the two entities ended up in court where, alleges the doctor, her ex-employers violated the law. State representatives of the law (District Attorneys, for those who can't figure that out) have refused to pursue the case, because, alleges the doctor, it is a small town and the good-ole-boy syndrome still lives on.

Some people believe it is best to forget the past, make the best of a bad situation, and move on. Others believe the doctor has a personality or mental disorder and should seek professional care for her problems. There are others who are supportive of her and then there are a few who have researched her claims and believe they have merit.

Where the rub has come in is that she had hoped that by writing about her situation, she would garner the interest of some influential bloggers and they would lend their support and voices thereby calling public attention to the matter and forcing, as it were, the DA to rethink his refusal to file charges in her complaint.

Now all one has to do is read her story and decide if it has merit or not. One can follow the leads, as I had done, and draw their own conclusion. If one believed she was an impassioned crack pot, then one need only not read her blog and not comment about her on theirs. But some people just can't leave well enough alone.

It's bad enough to have lost a lucrative career and then been cheated out of fair compensation through perjury, but then to have others call you derogatory names, question your sanity, and dismiss your passion as some form of metal disease is enough to fan the flames of rage in anyone.

Some people just believe that they are right and if you don't agree with them, then there is something wrong with you. The problem is, they just can't accept the fact that you are sick and leave the cure to the professionals. No, they just think they are so smart that they just have to convert you to their way of thinking or convince you that you really are sick.

The stinky one may just have stepped over the line in this controversy. It would have been much better and much easier to either support the lady in her cause or to have walked away. He is looking for a drawn. He ain't gonna get one. After all, her passion, strong-will, and determination is what drew the stinky one to her in the first place. One should never mess with a hornet's nest and not expect to get stung. Believe me, once that has happened no apology will be accepted by the hornets nor can that sting ever be unstung.


Dr Mary Johnson said...

Thank you Dale.

Anonymous said...

Some people won't allow others to just walk away as they have a habit of turning every thread on which they appear that has nothing to do with them or their "case" into yet another forum to express their victimization and a promise that next week, next year, tomorrow, they are "going to do something about it". But that never happens and observers quickly tire of the act. There is an old saying "ask and you shall receive". Even at this late hour, one of the participants obsesses and continues to stoke the flames around the current controversy while claiming victim status.

The other one isn't any better. My guess is that few have sympathy for either.

Dr Mary Johnson said...

"Ask and ye shall receive" is actually very apropos here.

Several years back, we-the-naive-and-gullible-people were asked by a group of GSO bloggers and journalists to join their online "community" and have a shot at getting stories-that-weren't getting-told, told.

I did it. Mike Baron did it. And we've been everybody's favorite punching bags.

Of course, the big pitch for "citizen journalism" was a lie. Meanwhile, the Greensboro N&R continued right on along with its race-baiting tripe - tripe that over & over again has battered and maligned good people.

Just ask Scott Sanders. Ask David Wray.

As for what happened this weekend, here's excerpt from one of the e-mails in question:

"You are the problem. I'm the solution."

Actually the real problem has been a system of local & state law enforcement that has pretended none of what was originally done to me happened . . . in a fashion worthy of that crooked crowd in Lincolnton.

It's what has empowered & emboldened so many in this blogosphere to say and do some of the things they have.

If it makes our anon-who-if-I-had-to-guess-is-probably-a-certain-lawyer-who-got-his-legal-expertise-stepped-on-yesterday happy, "it never happens" is looking more and more like "it's gonna happen all at once".

Who knows?

Maybe "he-who-shall-not-be-named" really will be "the answer".

Ticker said...

Evidently the cowardly Anon, probably one of the "coneheads" for it certainly sounds like some of the drivel that spews out of their orifices, post such an inane comment as "ask and you shall receive" directed toward the good Doctor for certain. My question is , where the hell have you been for the past few years, fool? This good lady has been victimized by the fools on the "almighty" blogsphere who feel they are soooo above the rest of humanity. She has been victimized by the judicial
system, the medical ethics system and the very ones who claim to serve and protect.
When one take their case to half dozen or more venues where it should have been heard that takes it to well beyond the "ask and you shall receive." Evidently Anon has had their cranium stuck up their own or a member of their ilk's rectum.
I suggest to Anon if you can't find anything better to throw at the good doctor just shut the hell up and go back to the "conehead" jerk circle.

dsprl2000 said...

One cannot really expect the good doctor to turn and walk away for that would be giving the bully permission to bully anyone he wishes too.

If it had been your child the doctor saved would you not want to see a wrong righted or would you just not care?

In addition to the situation the doctor is trying to make right, we also have an issue of freedom of expression and the attempt to supress ones ability and desire to exercice that freedom, an issue one one person making another fearful for her safety and livehood.

Whether you are a supporter of Dr. J or not in her fight for justice is a separate issue. What we have here is a crime and I would not recommend any vixtim to turn and walk away as it only empowers the prepatrator.

Perhaps you don't feel a crime has been commited and maybe not. I'm not a judge nor have I the authority to decide in this case. I have read some of what was said my the other party and I have read the state statue on cyber stalking and the facts seem to fit.

I think you must care more than you want the world to beleive or you would not be quite so familiar with what is going on.