Monday, June 14, 2010

A response

Putting a bow tie on a pig doesn't change the pig into a cow and neither does putting gloves on an unsanitary worker make that worker clean. The health department does not require food handlers to wear gloves. What the health department does require is that a food handler wash their hands before beginning work and after all breaks, after smoking, coughing, sneezing, or eating, after all bathroom visits, and that the food handlers wash their hands or change their gloves after handling uncooked foodsand before handling ready to eat products, and when changing from working with one species to another. Following that procedure will eliminate cross-contaimination.

The biggest concern in the food industry for illness prevention is temperature control and proper storage. There isn't anything a person can do with an ungloved hand that he can't do with a gloved one.
Some employers require their workers to wear gloves but that is a company policy and not one required by law.

Dale E. Sperling

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