Sunday, August 21, 2011

Video Commercials

90% of the time I do not watch a video because I am forced to watch a commercial first. The one I hate the most is on dateline about a drug company that claims to be our friend also, just not a company making money off our illnesses and the same commercial is played after every clip of a dateline episode and is played on every episode as well. The part that irritates me the most about the commercial is that it features a man saying he has diabetus when he doesn't as there is no such disease and the drug company knows that yet they knowingly shown that part of the commercial just because many like people mispronounce diabetes. Now if they showed him eating fried chicken and watermelon they would probably be sued for stereotyping when in fact I like watermelon and fried chicken just as much, if not more than any of them. I know how to pronounce diabetes and to knowingly allow this man in their commercial to mispronounce that word is wrong.

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