Thursday, October 06, 2011

Correct word or not?

"The distraught Missouri parents of missing 10-month-old Lisa Irwin revealed this morning that they their cell phones were missing when they fantically tried to call 911 after discovering that their "Pumpkin Pie" was not in her crib."

I believe I might be a little fantically calling 9-1-1 if I discovered my baby missing too. Just how many times does one need to call the emergency number in order to be a fantic anyway? And what is a fantic? Or is it a fantical?

I can visualize the parents being frantic when calling 9-1-1 but then most people are when calling in a real emergency: not the "I didn't get my chicken nuggets" or "I need a ride to my crack house" calls but life or death type emergencies.

Really, these journalists need better proofreaders as these types of errors are way to common. When I was young, maybe one such error would be reported in the Hickory Daily Record every month or so but now it is almost every article.

No wonder America is losing its edge.

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