Monday, October 24, 2011

Now that the world has ended

Now that the world has ended how does it feel to wake up dead? It has been three days and life goes on as usual, which may or may not be a gpood thing. I'm still retired and my wife is still working. I had put away some $4,000.00 so we could enjoy our vacations and to work on some projects around the house but my wife needed foot surgery which wiped out my nestegg so I can afford to spend nothing but it cost something just to live. I need gas for my truck now and then or some little things. I try to make do the best I can.

Hopefully, with the start of the new year I can find a part-time job that pays decently so I'll have a little spending money and enough to save for vacations and such. Even though the world ended three days ago, it seems it costs as much as it did as when we were here. How is that?

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