Thursday, October 06, 2011

Electricity rate increase

I'm sure you are aware that Duke Power has asked for a 18.9% rate increase mainly due to a failed wind turbine project. Boy, wouldn't it be nice if we had that power. Go tell your boss that you need an 18.9% pay raise because you purchased a car you can't afford or you were in an ajustable rate mortgage and it went up a lot more than you had anticipated.

Duke power made a mistake. They should just learn to deal with it like I have to and you have to.
Many years ago I took a job making #2.25 an hour. That year I purchased a new car, rented a nice apartment, purchased new furniture, and supported a wife and kid and still managed to save some money.

What is a shame is that 40 years later and after numerous pay raises I can no longer do what I could while I made $2.25 an hour, because inflation has always been higher than my wage increase. Tax rate increases hasn't helped the situation any either.

Over that period of time I've learned how to survive on little but a person can only cut back so much. 18.9% increase is rediculous, by any standard, for any reason, at any time. I'm sure Duke Power will only get a fraction of what they are asking for and the powers that be will think they are being fair to the public and Duke Power by allowing only a 9% or 10% increase. Well hocky puck, it isn't fair to the public to increase rates at all, especially for a failed endeavor Duke Power didn't have to try anyway.

Management should take a cut in pay until Duke Powers loss is made up since they made the stupid decision. For crying out loud, if I purchased a car requiring that I make %600.00 a month payments when I can only afford $400.00, I certainly can't pass that deficit on to someone else. i would just have to sell the car and eat the loss or figure out how to cut back on my living expenses.

Duke Power should do the same.

I don't mind a rate increase to pay for an increase in raw materials, but to pay extra for a failed project is beyond wrong.

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