Sunday, February 12, 2012

addiction: choice or disease

I once bought into the argument that alcoholism was a disease but the truth is, few people get a disease willingly.  A 2 year old with cancer or a 5 year old diabetic had no part in getting the disease but no one ever became an alcololic until after they took a drink.  Anyone you know who is addicted to cocaine, did the cocaine first.  To do the things that resulted in the disease is a choice. 

I have some illnesses that are a result of eating the wrong things and too much of the wrong things.  Eating those things was my choice.  That does not change the fact that diabetees is a disease but if I had made better choices I would not have the disease.  Regardless of the fact some cosider addiction a disease while others do not does not change the fact that addicts are sick, but sick by choice. 

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