Saturday, February 18, 2012

don't take your gun to church

Seems simply enough doesn't it?  But not for some folks.  Two men went into a closet at church.  A closet?  Why would anyone coduct business in a closet?  Could not they conduct buisness in the parking lot before church or after church?  Or better yet, one could go over to the other person'd house to conduct business of selling a weapon.  Yes, yes, that would have been much better. 

But no, one man brought his loaded gun to church.  Yes it is true.  The man didn't unload his gun before bringing it to church.  True, one of the two men removed the clip before placing his finger inside the trigger guard and, with the safety off, pulled the trigger.  One would think that engaging the safety would have been the first thing they would have done but apparently not. 

One would also think one of them would have checked to see if there was one in the chamber but nope, they didn't do that either.  But one of them stuck his fingerin the trigger guard and pulled the trigger.
Now why would anyone do that?  The bullet had to go somewhere.  And it did.  It went into the head of the pastor's daughter. 

She died today. 

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