Friday, February 24, 2012

some things just irratate me

My Mom says minyum.  I don't know what minyum means.  I think she is trying to say minimum but she will say minyum wage.  Irregardless is another word she uses.    My dad said colyum, like "Samson grabbed the colyum and pulled and the house fell down."  I thought he grabbed the column  but my dad it was a colyum. 

Sometimes I catch myself saying bliar instead of briar but only becasue Mom said bliar but at least I known the correct word. 

Another thing that irratates me is my Mom and leaves.  She has a small yard but there are three giant red oak trees and three giant white oak trees (which she call pin oaks for whatever reason but so does her brother).  These tress drop a tremendous number of leaves in her yard and she wants every single one raked out of her yard.  For years she has had a handyman and he raked the leaves from her yard and each year the tree roots stick about ground higher than the year before and every year the grass coverage gets smaller and smaller.  There just isn't any top soil left for grass to grow in.

I have tried to mulch the leaves and put over the tree roots to rebuild the soil and top soil but so far I have fought a losing battle.  In the fall of 2010 I had spent hours mulching leaves and spreading them for the ultimate benefit and her yard man showed up unannounced (first time he had been there in 10 months!) and raked all my leaves to the curb.  This fall (2011) I did the same thing again knwoing that the yard man would never be back but Mom got my older brother to rake all the leaves to the curb. 

All the grass she has left in the front yard is a spot about 10 feet wide and thirty feet long.  There is none on the lower side and about half as much in the back yard as in the front.  The upper side has a patch about five feet wide and 25 feet long and all of it is a sickly yellow green at its best. 

She thinks its the leaves that are killing her grass.  For some reason she thinks pin oak leaves don't decay.    I believe they do but it doesn't matter because she has red oaks and white oaks but no pin oaks.

Some things just irratate me.

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