Friday, December 21, 2012

Big Hit

I lost $992.00 yesterday.  I'm struggling as it is and that is too much to take in one day.   My wife is out of work and the medical bills are piling up with no end in sight.  I need a break somewhere. 

There isn't any point in looking for the money as it was a paper loss on the stock market but every dollar loss is one less dollar I have to make it up with.  When I was working losses were esier to take because it meant each share of stock was cheaper and the potential return was higher.  But in retirement, I'm not buying anymore stock so a loss just translates into things being harder to recover from. 

I'm in a catch 22 as I can't afford to go back to work because my wife can not function without me but unless I increase our income we are both going down. 

I have no choice but to trust God.  There is no other way out.

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