Saturday, December 08, 2012

Monday, 12-09-12 is the big day

Tomorrow is the big day and it doesn't look good so far.  On October 17, 2012 my wife said "Oh" and then did a face plant.  Once I helped her to her feet she complained that her glasses were messed up because she could not see straight. 

I took her to the hospital and from there she was airlifted to Baptist and a week after getting released from there she was back in the hospital at Cone.  Last week she had her second MRI done and she will have to see a specialist to have a test run on her heart.  She already has had an EKG and an EEG. But tomorrow it is back to the eye specialist.  If the injury to her 4th cranial nerve was caused by the fall her vision should clear up, in about 6 to eight weeks, we were told.  If the damage was caused by what caused the fall then her vision will never be normal again.  It has been almost seven weeks and so far no improvement. 

No one knows exactly what happened and my wife doesn't remember anything from Tuesday at noon until Thursday.  It could be that she just simple tripped or she might have had a sudden drop in blood pressure due to medication or a heart condition.  The trouble with that hypothesis is that her head trauma resulted in bleeding from the center of the brain.  A fall would most likely produce an injury to the outside of the brain. 

There are two other possibilities.  One is a stroke and the other is an aneurysm.  A stroke would cause the vision problems and the fall but then again, the fall would have injuried the outside of the brain.  It seems the most likely cause was an aneurysm and the first MRI shows the blood vessels in her brain are in the shape that would be seen after an aneursym.  However, there is no signs of the damage that an aneurysm would have caused so it cannot be determined if that is the cause of her head trauma or not. 

What has been determined is the episode she had on the 28th of October and again on the 29th were mini-strokes.  She has regained her full speech back and she is more steady on her feet and seems to be improving daily in her coordination.  But there doesn't seem to be any improvement in her eye sight.  However, the testing tomorrow will determine if there has been any improvement, however slight.  Any improvement will give cause for hope.   

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