Monday, December 03, 2012

The work at the church continues

I have tried to clear the property at the church using just the hand tools I had available without having to buy anything.  I used a loper, a small hand saw, a mattock, and a steel rank.  I fianlly gotten to the point the next thing I have to clear out is all the fallen trees.  I have three piles of trunks that I have drug out with each pile big enough to fill a pickup truck to capacity.  What I'm left with are thirty and fifty year old intact trees that need to be cut into small pieces and hand carried out. 

As you know from reading my blogs my wife illness is resulting in huge medical bills and a loss of her income (I'm on social security) so I can ill afford to purchase anything now.  God did provide for us with a little cash winfall and a permanent monthly income but that by no means even begins to replace what my wife was making.  It is enough, however, to keep us from starving and/or losing our home. 

No, I purchased a chain saw because I can't finish the job without one. I found a really good deal on a high quality one and I feel justified because I would have given the church my tithe.  I still will give the church the remainder of it but I beleieve my labor for cutting the grass (I purchased the lawn mower and paid for its upkeep out of my own pocked and mowed the grass at no charge) and the six months of labor I gave to clearing the land up to this point more than makes up   for the cost of the chain saw. 

I didn't get to work at the church today because I took my wife to the neurologist today.  He is scheduling her for another MRI and some kind of heart test.  Please say a prayer for her.  She still has a lot of healing to do.  We are both thankful for what God has done for her and for us so far.  Praises to his name. 

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