Sunday, May 07, 2017

Bullying snd Karma.

  Bullying is picking on someone because of what makes different than us.  Karma is that energy we give out coming back to us. 

   My wife has two sons,  T is the oldest and he has one daughter.  She was "chunky'.  She was a pretty girl but her father suffers from a medical problem that causes him to think and act different than most people and he has been habitually unemployed due to poor decision making.  I suppose being overweight and poor makes one an easy target for bullies. 
.   The other son, M also has a daughter who is skinny as a rail and her two front teeth are prominent.   She is now of the age when her classmates are beginning to bully her about her lack of weight and her larger than normal teeth. 
  Yea, it can be depressing to be picked on but I believe that if you ignore the bully or turn their taunt into something funny then the bully will be deprived of the pleasure derived from bullying.  For example if the bully says your big teeth makes you look like a rabbit just reply with something like "yes but they sure do make eating carrots easier". 
   Anyway the grandmother thought it might be a good idea to ask the older granddaughter for advise on how to deal with bullies.  The oldest granddaughter was delighted that the younger one was being picked on "because she used to pick on me about my weight".  So the skinny girl is getting picked on about her weight, or lack of it just as she used to pick on other about their weight.  I call that poetic justice.  I think people call that karma now. 
  The truth is, no one should pick on others but we have to accept the fact that it happens and we have to learn how to deal with it. 

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