Sunday, May 07, 2017

Republicans and Trump going to far

Republicans in Texas have some questioning whether anyone but Christian whites and blacks can adopt children as long as they aren't an interracial couple.  If you are Jewish, Muslim,  or gay you may be out of luck.  I understand this is the way it once was except that if you were a certain religion then only couples of the same religion could adopt you.  What your birth mother but as her religious affiliation counted as your religion. 
  Trump is now questioning whether funding traditional black colleges is legal.  There should not be black colleges anymore than there should be white colleges.  Still, we all feel more comfortable around people who are like us and as long as we don't discriminate then it is perfectly okay to fund colleges that are predominately black. 
I grew up in the fifties and early sixties and while I really enjoyed the drug free environment and the Christian values that were shared by many I don't want to go back to an era when people were treated different because they were different.  Our differences should be celebrated rather than serve as fuel for discrimination. 
  I think Trump is wrong but I still wouldn't want Hillary in the White House. 

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