Thursday, January 10, 2013

I don't want a bunch of fat old men deciding what I can do with my body

"I don't want a bunch of fat old men deciding what I can do with my body" was a quote in the  recent news by a famous lady .  Who the lady is does not matter because this is the exact sentiment express by many abortionists. 

In an attempt to justify their actions and ease their quilt, many claim that a baby isn'at a baby until it can survive outside the womb.  Until then it is a fetus which is a thing and not a human being.  The truth is, most people cannot survive outside the womb until they are in their teenage years.  Seriously.  Just kick a ten year old out of the house and see how long they survive. 

I know, it just doesn't seem right that the people on the Supreme court, especially the men, should have a say so in what a woman does with her own body.  Then again it doesn't seem right that a single person should have sole power over the life of another human being with the power to say whether they live or die   and they have no input into the decision. 

Now most people will agree that if a woman becomes pregnanr because she was forced to and had to input into becoming pregnant should have the right to terminate that pregancy.  But, in my opinion, if a woman feels the reason they want to have abortion legal is as a last resort birth control method under the pretence that it is their right to have control of their body, then they are not really wanting to control their body but an escape clause to undo the consequences of not controlling their body. 

The time for control is before the act, not afterwards. 

There really is not any do overs.

Someone has to die. 

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