Monday, August 26, 2013

It's what you voted for

No, not you, the reader, but the person who wrote the statement below.  I believe Ohio was one of the critical states in the last election.  I have a friend from Ohio.  Our friendship survived the election but just barely and not entirely intact.  He is a big Obama supporter.  He was posting about Obama virtues every day.  At one point he had three or four posts that showed up on my facebook page every day. 

He is retired so I don' know how Obama care will effect him but it seems some of his fellow Ohioians aren't too happy.    

"Let's see. My employer is the Federal Government. So when they make me go on Obama Care, it will affect me. My premiums will go up at LEAST double for the same type of insurance. As Ohio is one of the states that will get hit the hardest on premiums, looks like my affordable health care is a myth. Thanks for nothing. "

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