Thursday, May 21, 2015

Garden News: pictures

    In my center flower garden which I started as a tribute to my wife.  Instead of giving her a dozen roses I planted her a rose garden.   I started with two blue boy roses and wanted to add a white and a red this year.  There was a briar growing in the garden late last year and I thought it may be just a wild briar bush as I didn't plant a roses bush in that spot.  Well it turned out to be a rose bush with deep red roses, almost a burgundy color.  It is well that it did come up as my red rose turned out to be peach colored.
    As far as the vegetable garden goes, my tomato plants and a zucchini plant.  I may post pictures later but for now just a few shots of my roses in the center garden.  There is one picture of the center of the center garden, a close-up of my water lily, and a shot of my water Iris. 


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