Sunday, May 10, 2015

No Floaters

       It has been 7 days since my cataract surgery and I have yet to have a floater.  When my left eye was done in 2007 I had floaters so bad that on several occasions I keep a fly swatter with me because I could not tell if the black things I were seeing were just floaters or real flying insects.  And the floaters seemed to last forever.  They were really bad for several months and annoying for several years after surgery so now you can understand why I'm so excited at having had no floaters so far.
      I had to put eye drops in my eyes 10 times a day for 7 days and it wasn't until I wondered what to do with the excess drops that I discovered the correct way to administer the eye drops.  It seems one is supposed to pull ones lower lid down and administer the drops there while tilting ones head back then closing ones eye until the drops are absorbed, usually about two minutes.   The instructions from the doctor says to wait a while if you have to take two drops at the same time but not how long to wait.
     It seems just administering eye drops into the eye like we are used to doing with regular eye drops allows the drops to flow out of the eye, down the back of ones throat, or into the tear ducts and doesn't allow the eye the opportunity to absorb the medicine.     Too late for me but if you ever have  cataract surgery you will know how to properly administer the drops.   

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