Saturday, August 04, 2018

First Day after catherter

   I know this is personal and not a interesting subject but then this is my personal journal.  I had one bag removed yesterday but the G-bag, the one on my side that captures the drainage from my side is still there but the discharge seems to finally be declining.
  Every time I think I'm making progress I cough (suffer from allergies)   which makes me squirt.  But I have made it from the cough to the bathroom which is great.  The only thing is I have to think and concentrate in order to do it.  That's something we take for granted because, as adults, we have been doing it so long it no longer requires thought.  But think back to when you were a baby.
  That's what I thought.  The muscle that controls the flow was detached during surgery and then reattached The gland that surrounded that muscle has been removed so the sensation one has is totally different and the brain and that muscle have to be trained to work together.  The doctors say it could take up to a year but the more dedicated I am to doing my exercises, the faster I will improve.
  It's like our relationship to our heavenly father.  The more we talk to each other the closer we grow.  Any relationship takes work, including a spiritual one.  

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