Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Five weeks later

  I'm a couple of days past the 5 week mark since my surgery.  The incisions were deep so there is still some pain associated with them and I am still not in control of my bladder yet.  I do well when sitting but if I stand I must go immediately to the rest room.
  My sleep isn't very good as I wake every hour and a half to two hours to go relieve myself.   I'm still limited as to what I can do physically.  I still have all the wood from the playground set stacked up in the yard and there are several trees I need to cut down but I'm having to wait until my body can handle the stress.
 It is my hope that no one else will ever have to go through this surgery and I am glad there are other choices now.  If I could have chosen radiation I certainly would have.  I suppose I could have but my prostate was so large it would have taken at least two years to shrink it to a size that would allow for radiation treatments and in that time my cancer could have spread beyond the prostate.  It wasn';t a risk worth taking.


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