Saturday, November 17, 2018

Is God real?

  The Old Testament is confusing when it comes to describing God.  The Genesis account of creation leaves more questions than answers.  God seems so mean in the Old Testament.  In light of recent scientific discovers and theories, the biblical account of creation does not appear to be accurate.  The God of the New Testament seems like a different being and is described as love so how could a God that is love sent anyone to hell?
  First, the Genesis account of creation is not intended to be  a scientific document but just a synopsis of how we came into being.  Still, sometimes it seems overwhelming but then I look to the cross and I understand that Jesus Christ was a real person, that he died on the cross at Calvary, and rose from the dead the third day.  There is just to much proof that all this is real to deny the facts.  When one looks at Christ, then the Old Testament does not seem so confusing.  But if one does not believe in Christ then the scriptures are foolishness.  There are a lot of things in life I don't understand but that not make them any less real or important.
  Sometimes it is hard to accept that God is real but I find it harder to accept that He isn't.

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