Monday, July 12, 2010

lawmaker responsibiities

I have a question and I would like for it to generate a lot of discussion because I believe it is one that should be discussed. I vote for people to represent me at local, state, and federal levels. We have this system in place because it is too difficult if every issue was voted on with public participation.

Our system in American has evolved into mainly a two party system mainly so a voter can choose a party that more closely represents how they feel or think about an issue or set of issues.

On the national level, we actually don't vote of President but we bote for members to the elctroal college who in turn for for the President. We expect that if our state voted Democratic that the electoral college representative will vote for the Democractic candidate but by law he doesn't have to. While not legally obligated to vote for the winner, if he didn't on a consistant bases, there would be an unrising and that system would be overturned.

For argument sake, say Candidate a was elected to represent us. She is a member of the Smile party which happens to be the party you like. An issue come before the branch of congress she serves in and is an important and controversial issue.

You have strong feelings on the issue and you let a know how you feel. Most Smile
members feel as you do. However, the majority of voters from your area are not Smile members but belong to the Frown Party.

The Smile party will approve the legislation if certain changes are made to it but you are opposed to the legislation on any grounds while Frown members want the proposal passed into law as is.

Now should a vote against the legislation because, as your representative, that is what you elected her to do, should she vote along party lines, or should she vote for it because the majority of people in her district favor passage or should she ignore everyone and just vote how she personally feels about the proposal?

What, exactly, is her responibility her and what do we really expect from or representatives?

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