Friday, June 10, 2011

Casey Anthony

I'm a crime buff and have followed the Caylee/Casy Anotony case from the beginning. During her trial many pictures have been published of Casy in court and it seems most have a common theme. Casy is almost always wearing long sleeves and the sleeve extends halfway down her hand. I'm sure everyone is aware thatis a fashion style that is inteneded to signify "I'm cute".

Another common thing about this women is she always seems to be crying or in an emotional state. She may be trying to signify her innosence by appearing to be sensitive and vunersble and now she is "sick", sending a message of "fraility".

What she is hoping for is that she will be preceived as a young, little, cute, sensitive Mom who is too frail and vunerasble to have hurt her own child.

What I see is a cold hearted manipulative woman who is doing her best to sell the jury and thw onlookers on her lies.

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