Sunday, June 19, 2011

Hefner seeks revenge against runaway bride

Hugh Hefner, founder of Playboy magazine thought he was getting married to a playmate but just before the wedding she called itoff and announced she had never intended on marring the much older man. Apparently she was just in the relationship for the publicity. Hefner is angry and is seeking revenge.

if he wasn't such a foolish old man he would have realized she didn't want to be with an old man any more than he would want to be with a myuch older woman (if there are any left).

Actually he should be grateful she bailed before the wedding because if they had been legally married she might have taken him for all he was worth.

Mr. Hefner has had his fun, lived the good life, but he has to face the facts that he is no longer a stud. Now is the time for him to face the truth about his present life and his future.

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