Wednesday, June 15, 2011

church remodel

Our church building is old and in need of some work soI volunteered to help. I was there when the old carpet was ripped out and the bad spots in the floor cut out and replaced. The first thing we had to do was remove the pews which was harder than one might imagine as they were attached to the floor via screws, most of which had stripped out heads.

It took the better part of the day to get the floor replaced and sealed. The new carpet was laid the next day but I had to be at work soI missed thar. I worked tonight so I missed the church cleaning party and since I work Sunday morning I will most likey be the last member to actually see the finished work.

But I am happy to say I won't miss many more church services since Tuesday June 21, 2011 will be my last day of work. I've reached that point in my life where working full time is no longer profitable as things I want to do while I still can loom large in my priorities.

My most important goal is to work to build the church. My second ambition is to coach a little league baseball team next summer. I hope i can find an opening some where. It has been many years since I've been able to do that and I really miss it.

No, I really can't afford to retire but living tight will have to do so I can accomplish my goals. My mom just turned 86 and her house needs some work and she needs better care than she has been getting plus my mother-in-law isn't well and it is stressful for my wife to deal with, so I'm going to take over more of the house keeping duties to make things easier of my wife and get some things done around Mom's house, like her roof repaired.

I'll have plenty to do so retirement will not be boring.

since one can no longer find me at H-T, look for me in church. See ya there one day.

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