Friday, November 25, 2011

Ariz. grandfather roughed up by police in Walmart

Pepper spray,gun shots and police brutality are becoming as much a part of the holiday season as Christmas cars, chia Pets and fruit cake. Most of the items people are pushing and shoving to get could be had online, from the convenience of their own homes and for about the same price, especially on electronic items which have a relatively low markup anyway. Many years ago I enjoyed Christmas shopping and looked forward to our once a year trip to the Eastland Mall in Charlotte to look at the huge Christmas tree and enjoy the sights and sounds of busy shoppers searching for that perfect gift. Nowadays I don't like the traffic, the pushing and shoving and the attitudes of both shoppers and clerks and the danger one puts themselves in by being among the large and unruly crowds. I think if you ask the grandfather in the story today he would have to admit that the money he tried to save on the CD wasn;t worth its final price, that he should not have subjected his grandson to such a mob mentaility, and that shoving the CD down his pants wasn't really such a good idea. And as far as the cop goes, he has a hard job dealing with angry people and charged with protecting people, enforcing the laws, and still expected to act like a gentleman at all times. It seems ironic that the very people who were pushing and shoving each other and yanking merchandise out of the hands of complete strangers to satisfy their own greed while totalling ignoring the rights of others would accuse the policeman of using excess force to arrest a resisting shoplifter.

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