Monday, November 07, 2011

Why Obama Won

Most political analysis want us to believe that Obama won the electi0n because he was much better organized than the Republicans and that W opened the door for him to win. Others would have us believe that he won because of his message of hope and change and some would even suggest that he won because of the youth vote and or the black vote. Some even suggest he won because he was the best candidate and the color of his skin had nothing to do with his victory.

Some people were going to vote Democractic this year regardless of whom the candidate was just because they hated the Republicans handling of that office during the last eight years. Some voted for Obama because he wasn't a woman, some voted for him because he was black, and some voted for him because they thought he was the best candidate.

Many blacks voted for Obama just because he was Black (or wasn't white). Many whites voted for Obama because they are prejudiced against Blacks.

Wait a minute, you say. Why would a person vote for someone they believe to be inferior to themselves?

The reason: denial. If a liberal voted against Obama then he/she could be accused of being biased against Obama because of his skin color. Some people want so much to be preceived as being unbiased that they will discriminate against their own race. The reality is that being completely unbiased is just an illusion.

It is prefectly okay to choose our friends from among people we feel comfortable being with. What is not okay is to make decisions based on race , or sexual orientation, or college atttended, or any other arbitary factor to decide in favor of one person or another.

It that light, is was just as wrong to vote for Obama because he is black whether the voter was black and hoping to make history or whether the voter was white hoping to convince himself or others that they were not prejudiced.

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