Thursday, November 24, 2011

I would rather read

Newspapers have an advantage over the internet in that you can actually read a story. It seems that more and more the internet is becoming a visual medium, forcing us to watch an advertisment before having to watch a video of the news story. Not many months ago the service provider would inform the user if the story was a video. Now, not so much. Videos are mixed in with regular stories and as often as not are not identified as such. It seems North State is the lastest to join this craze. I once visited the Dateline page as one was given the option of reading the story or watching the video. Now a story is broken down into ten to fifteen segment and one is forced to watch the same commercial over and over and no longer have the option to read the story. One commercial i hate is where the guy says he has diabetus. What the heck is diabetus? Why would a drug company do a commercial featuring a man mispronouncing an illness? Are they trying to make the man sound genuine or are they saying that all members of his ethnic group are ignorant? I know that I am probably in the majority in my complaint about the ads and video versus being able to actually read the story but I suppose if I am allowed to read the provider does get those ad dollars. Well, I'm keeping my dollar and going to buy a "news" paper with it.

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