Friday, November 25, 2011

First shower

Somnetime last year I had the shower in the master bedroom redone and posted a story about it on the blog. This week I took my first shower in the thing. Typically I use the one in the main bathroom because my wife and I have such different schudles and sleeping habits its just more covenient for us but the shower I use has developed a leak so I've been using the one in the master bedroom. The water heats up much faster, one doesn;t have that big tub to step into, one can wait until after they get into the shower to turn the water on and still have plenty of room without getting wet until the water warms up enough. It has a seat to sit in or prop ones feet on, safety bars to grab to help you up if you sit in the seat, a built in shampoo rack to store ones stuff in, and plenty of room to completelu dry off before even stepping out of the shower. Its kind of like having a gym locker open shower all by yourself. It was really nice.

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