Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Free CD's or DVD's

If anyone else would like a copy of a sermon by Rev. Charles Garrett, lease let me know and I'll furnish you with your choice of a CD or DVD.  Great things are happening at the little church.  People are getting saved, healed, blessed, and rejuvenated. 

When I say healed, I don't mean the hitting them in the head and knocking them over backwards like you see faith healers do.  I am talking miraculous, prayer driven, divine intervention heling that only God can do and he is to get all the glory for His mighty works. 

I'm not a religious fanantic and I have plenty of faults and still much maturing to do to be truly a service to Christ but I do know fact from fiction and it is a fact that Jesus Christ is God.  It is not just what I believe but what I know.   Come, walk with me and you shall know also. 

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