Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Invisible friend?

I don't have invisible friends.  Someone made the comment that people who believe in Jesus had invisible friends.  Jesus was a real person who was crucified on the cross at Calvary by Roman soldiers as a consequence of a ruling in a Roman court at the request of the ruling Jewish government. 

You may believe he rose from the dead and is therefor exactly who He says he is or you may choose to believe he was just an unfortunate soul who was punished for being unconventional in his beliefs and teachings but don't be so stupid as to think Jesus is not a real person. 

The fact that Jesus arose from the dead is made believable because he rising was first reported by women.  At the time, women's word was not considered valid in a court of law so if the disciples were trying to perpetuate at false story about Christ rising from the dead they would not have chosen women to make the first citing.

Secondly, they reported their own unbelief at His rising from the dead.  If they were trying to make others believe a lie they would have presented a united front. 

Thirdly, there were too many witnesses for it to have been a hoax.

Fourthly, all the apostles were killed because of their assertions that Christ rose from the dead.  If they knew it to be a lie, at least one would have admitted that lie to save his own life yet none did.

Fifthly, why would Paul, a Pharisee, vowed to arrest as many Christians as he could, become the apostle to the Gentiles claiming that he saw the risen Christ if it was not so. 

What man, beaten almost beyond recognition, stripped naked, nailed to a cross, given vinegar to drink, and made fun of, could keep of the ruse and announce that he forgave his tormenters and doubters?  No one could love others that much. 

He could have saved His own life with one word yet he choose to lay down his life willingly.  No mere man would have done that, especially knowing that his closest friends and allies had already forsaken him. 

No, Christ was not only real, bur He is the son of the living God and the way to salvation. 

I accepted christ as my Lord when I was ten years old but I was always afraid of giving him control of my life, afraid that I would not be able to enjoy life and afraid I would be made fun of.  It wasn't until I accepted Christ as my Lord also that I really started to live.  He is no less real because I can't see him physically than my wife is real because she is in another part of the house or my mother is real because she is in another city and I cannot see her. 

Christ said he has gone to prepare a place for us and I have no doubt that is true. 

Choose this day whom you will serve.  As for me, I will let Christ lead me. 

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