Monday, November 05, 2012

Only time will tell

The question is "Did the fall cause the injury?" or did an injury cause the fall?  It's not so much an injury but a specific injury or event.  The doctors are led to believe it was an aneurysm that caused the original fall and so it would seem that the fall caused the injury to the 4th cranial nerve that is causing the double vision.  If that is indeed the case then the vision should slowly come back to normal in a few months. 

On the other hand, if the fall was caused by a stroke then the double vision is a permanent ailment and having a prism installed in the glasses is about the only corrective measure.  The doctor at Southeastern Eye Center won't know the answer for several weeks.  The doctor's at the hospital won't ever know the answer to the two questions.  An aneurysm normally leaves a trace of itself behind but not always.  There is evidence of several mini-strokes but a stroke is not likely to cause the bleeding in the center of the brain  nor is a fall apt to cause that type of bleeding. 

Whatever is going on, I hope that the double-vison will clear up and life can get back to normal one day. 

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