Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Looking for trouble: Road Rage Killing

           The initial story said that a mother was teaching her daughter to drive when a man became upset that she was driving too slow and passed them, somewhere bumping the two cars together.  The angry driver followed the mother/daughter home and then shot the mother in the head, taking her life.  It seems the original story isn't accurate at all. 
     It seems that the mother was driving after the lesson and a man passed them at a higher than posted speed so the daughter, from the passenger seat,  tooted the horn.  The mother and the other driver exchanged words. 
      The mother drove home, dropped her daughter off, picked up her adult son who had a weapon, and went looking for the other vehicle.  They found the car and it's driver.   What happened between then and the shooting wasn't made clear but what is known is that there was no collision between the two cars and that the driver of the other car shot and killed the mother. 
    I'm sure the daughter wishes now she had never tooted the horn.  I'm sure if the mother were still alive she would say that she should have just let the other car go on it's way.  After all it was just a brief, momentary encounter that most likely would never happen again.  I'm almost positive the son wishes he had been mature enough to tell his mother to just let it go, that no good would come from  incident, even if they could find the other driver.  And I would hope that the man who pulled the trigger regrets doing so and has learned that patience is a virtue.  Even id the car in front of him was driving to slow for his taste chances are it would have made only a minute or two difference and the delay could have enriched his life just as easily as it delayed his plans. 
    People are going to do stupid things and situations are going to arise in which we feel disrespected.  Sometimes others are going to think we were wrong when we were not and sometimes we think we were right when we were wrong.  In other words, things happen.  But in most cases the situation is over in a moment and it is best to just let it go.  If the situation  escalates or threatens to become a recurring problem it is best to let the authorities handle the problem.  I know we like to channel the John Wayne inside of our selves and believe we will be okay because we are in the right and God is always in the side of right. 
   Well life doesn't always work that way my friend.  it's best to just let it go.   

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