Friday, January 13, 2017

Racist or no

    Just read a story.  A women sees what she thinks is a man prying open a car window, getting into the car and driving off.  She follows, dialing 9-1-1 and reporting the man for stealing a car.  The police stop the car.  The man steps from the car, hands in the air and with a cell phone in one hand.  The police gives him an order which the man doesn't comply with so he is tackled, handcuffed and mirandized.  The man then informs the police he was fixing broken window trim on his own car.  Turns out he was telling the truth.
  Another incident.  A mans pulls away from a service station in the wee hours of the morning and drove about a block when a policeman pulls him over.  He places his hands on the steering column and waits for the policeman to approach.  When the police get to the car he lowers the window.  The cop asks him who the owner of the car is and he informs the policeman that he is.  When the policeman asks for ID, registration and proof of insurance, he hands the policeman his license and a folder containing the requested documents.  The policemen checks in the information, hands all the documents back to the driver, apologizing for punching in the last digit of his tag as an 8 instead of the "B: it really was.  With an 8 the tag comes back as stolen.  Have a good day and please accept my apology.   
   Guess which driver was black. 

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