Saturday, September 22, 2012

women and tattos

It seems tattoos are not the domain of drunken sailors anymore.  They are tacky enough on men but there is nothing attractive or feminine about tattos on women. 

Many years ago tattoed lady was a rareity and ususally was a butterfly or rose or some other cute tattoo that was rather small and placed in a normally non visible place but all that has changed.  Women now get big tattoos, sometimes on their biceps like a biker or truck driver once did. 

Of all the tatoos people get, I don't like the ones on the face and absolutely hate the nervous looking lettering on the fingers that spell out words like "love" and "Hate".  I don't like the ones written in cursive that are too long or written too small to read without getting accused of staring and charged with sexual harressment.  Lordy, if you have something to say print it on your t-shirt.

Some people think  of tattoos as body art but when I see them I think of a prefectly manicured lawn that is a perfectly smooth sea of green--but spoiled by the fact it is littered with dandeloins.  I had dandeloins.  When I see them in a yard I think of lazy people who can't take care of their yard. 

I know that isn't fair and each of us have to make our own decisions about such stuff.  Fine but I'm the one who has to look at it.  If my opnion doesn't matter then quit bringing it to my attention. 

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