Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Car Crash

Tiger Woods crashed his car and people wantr to know why. One supporter wrote

"First of all, the only thing I was concerned about was if Tiger Woods was okay after the crash. The reasons behind it and any family problems should be kept between he and his family. I feel sorry for people who have nothing better to do than to sit and speculate, in print no less, the reasons why things happen to celebrities. It perpetuates the gossip. It hurts innocent people. The fact they are a celebrity is second to the fact they are human beings first. How would YOU want to be treated?"

The sentiment sounds nice but it doesn't work that way. One must realize that driving is a priviledge and being able to do so is granted by the state for a temporary period of time and if we violate traffic laws the state has a right to know why. Other peoples lives and well being and property are placed at risk when one does not drive responsibily. Just because he is famous does no entitled Tiger Woods to violate the law by impeding a police investigation.

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