Thursday, March 24, 2011

Smart Woman

The air conditioner malfunctioned the other day and we called the repairman. We payed an eighty-five dollar service call fee and were hit with a sixteen hundred dollar repair bill estimate. I passed on the repair until I talked it over with my wife.

She negotiated with the company and got the price down to 1200 dollars and then she got a 10% discount by signing up up a service contract to have the unit serviced twice a year.

Service contacts on the home heating/cooling systems have always proven invaluable to me in the past and with the $400.00 bill I had two months ago to fix the heat maybe I can forstall replacing the entire unit for a couple of years. If I can then the service contract will have paid for itself. If I had had it last year maybe the problems could have been caught in time and I would have saved myself some money.

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