Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Job Hunting starts today

I so looked forward to retirement but it seems I will have to go out looking for work today.  My wife operation took away all my spending money and so extra money that I had expected won't arrive until March .  There are some thing I want to do but can't because my wife finds things to spend money on faster than it comes in.  To be fair to her, my truck did need some repair work  and I had to remodel my bathroom so I have spent as much as she has, but just in bigger chunks (except for her operation). 

My only wish is that if she needs something that she save up ahead of time for it.  The money she spent on her operation is the money I had set aside for my spending money and our vacation.  I have no money to spend and we didn't get to take a vacation. 

I'm glad the operation was a success but retirement isn't easy unless one has a sucficient income to support oneself.  I had planned for it but one source of income is taking much longer than I had expected.  I was told it would start six months after I applied but it is taking 14 months instead.  Another source of income won't begin for another two years.  In the mean time I have to replace the money she spent on her operation plus the money I didn't get for eight months plyus enough to cover my truck repairs and bathroom redmodel.   

Wheather I have to take a part-time or full time job depends on the amount of pay offered and the hours available. 

I'll keep everyone posted on my job search results. 

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